Maddox Method CrossFit Acronyms and Abbreviations
CrossFit has its own lingo and abbreviations that may seem foreign to some, but it makes it easier for coaches to write programming without having to write everything out all of the time.
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These acronyms can explain the format of the workout (i.e. EMOM, AMRAP, etc.); they can abbreviate movements (FSQ, T2B, S2OH, etc.) or equipment (DB, KB, etc.). Here is a guide to help you remember some of the popular acronyms that we use in CrossFit.
AMRAP: As Many reps/Rounds as Possible |
BW: Body Weight |
RX: As prescribed in the work out |
DU: Double Under |
PR: Personal Record |
SU: Single Under |
AFAP: As Fast as Possible |
EMOM: every min on the min |
HAP: Heavy as Possible |
ALT: Alternating |
Rds: rounds in a workout |
OTM: on the min |
WOD: Workout of the Day |
KB: Kettle Bell |
TNG: touch and Go |
RKBS: Russian Kettle Bell Swing |
P: Press (strict shoulder press) |
AKBS: American Kettle Bell Swing |
PP: Push Press |
G2OH: Ground to Overhead |
PJ: Push Jerk |
S2OH: Shoulder to Overhead |
SJ: Split Jerk |
ROM: Range of Motion |
BP: Bench Press |
SMR: Self Myofascial Release (foam rolling) |
BSQ: Back Squat |
MOB: Mobility |
FSQ: Front Squat |
RFT: Rounds For Time |
OHSQ: Overhead Squat |
METCON: Metabolic Conditioning |
DL: Deadlift |
SQ: squat |
SDL: Sumo Deadlift |
JSQ: Jump Squat |
SDLHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull |
JJ: Jumping Jacks |
RDL: Romanian Deadlift |
MC: Mountain Climber |
BW: Body Weight |
TGU: Turkish Get Up |
CL: Squat Clean |
PVC: PVC pipe or dowel |
PCL: Power Clean |
BJ: Box Jump |
MCL: Muscle Clean |
BJO: Box Jump Over |
HHCL: High Hang Squat Clean |
BBJ: Burpee Box Jumps |
HHPCL: High Hang Power Clean |
BBJO: Burpee Box Jump Overs |
HCL: Hang Squat Clean |
WB: Wall Ball |
HPCL: Hang Power Clean |
CAL: Calories (row, ski, bike, etc.) |
CL & J: Clean and Jerk |
L2: Level 2 Intermediate |
MSN: Muscle Snatch |
L1: Level 1 Novice |
SN: Squat Snatch |
GPP: General Physical Preparedness |
PSN: power Snatch |
SPP: Specific Physical Preparedness |
HHSN: High Hang Squat Snatch |
ATG: Ass to Grass |
HHPSN: High Hang Power Snatch |
H2H: Hand to Hand (KBs) |
HSN: Hang Squat Snatch |
RM: Repetition Maximum (1RM, 2RM, etc.) |
HPSN: Hang Power Snatch |
MR: Max Repetitions- the max number of reps |
TH: Thruster |
MOD: Modification |
PU: Pull-up or Push-up |
SUB: Substitute |
C2B: Chest To Bar Pull-up |
RR: Ring Row |
MU: Muscle Up (rings) |
WL: Walking Lunge |
BMU: Bar Muscle Up |
FRL: Front Rack Lunge |
DB: Dumb Bell |
BRL: Back Rack Lunge |
BB: Barbell |
OHL: Overhead Lunge |
HSPU: Handstand Push-up |
DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness |
HSH: Handstand Hold |
UB: Unbroken |
HSW: Handstand Walk |
MP: Military Press |
T2B: Toes to Bar |
BOR: Bent Over Row |
K2E: Knees to Elbow |
CFT: CrossFit Total |
GHD: Glute Ham(string) Developer |
FGB: Fight Gone Bad |
SU: Sit Up |
AAB: Air Assault Bike |
ME: Max Effort |
AAR: Air Assault Runner |
DNF: Did Not Finish |
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